Press Release: Capture One 3.7.1 welcomes Epson into the family. Chat with Phase One’s R&D team. Joint promotion with iView.

Phase One, the world leader in professional digital imaging camera backs and software, announces new camera support in the upcoming Capture One RAW workflow maintenance release. Phase One will, from July 2005, initiate post release chat rooms at HYPERLINK "" , where the Capture One users can chat with the Phase One’s R&D team. In July Phase One and iView multimedia announce a new joint promotion.

Epson rangefinder RD-1 joins the Capture One family
Capture One 3.7.1 maintenance release will be available in July. This release includes new RAW files support for Epson RD-1 as well as for Nikon’s new D2Hs and D70S. Canon 350D will be supported tethered in 3.7.1. Phase One welcomes new users to the Capture One RAW Workflow family.
Chat with Phase One’s R&D team
“Phase One has always worked closely with professional photographers in order to produce the best imaging tools and equipment. We would like to continue to work this way. Therefore, we have decided to open up for new initiatives that will bring Phase One, Phase One owners and Capture One users closer together”, Trine Voss, VP Capture One Sales & Marketing states, “Phase One’s RAW NEWS newsletter is one of the many initiatives to have an open dialogue with our loyal customers. RAW NEWS goes out to Capture One users all over the world. The newsletter includes articles about new releases, tips & tricks and editorials from professional photographers and imaging consultants”.
In July/August Phase One will introduce a chat room, where Capture One users and potential users can chat with the R&D team about new releases. “Our hope is that an open dialogue will help the development of new products and technologies, and that we can share ideas and discuss the latest trends and development in this fast moving industry. The chat room will be promoted at Phase One’s web site and in RAW NEWS during July/August 2005.
iView Media Pro promotion at reduced price in July
From June 28th to July 28th 2005 Phase One offers iView Media Pro at reduced price at HYPERLINK "" as well as through local dealers. The promotion is an online promotion and is exclusively for existing Capture One PRO users. Both products are available for evaluation at HYPERLINK "" or HYPERLINK ""
This is not the first joint promotion iView Multimedia and Phase One announce. Earlier this year new Capture One and iView users could take advantage of a Capture One PRO and iView Media Pro bundle at a very attractive price. “We were very pleased with the outcome of the joint promotion we did in April. Our products make great sense to professional shooters. We received lots of positive feedback from end users, and decided to do a new promotion in July, 2005. This time, for existing Capture one PRO users”.

Capture One RAW Workflow software is used daily by thousands of photographic pros and enthusiasts worldwide and is recognized as the most efficient, fully color-managed RAW Workflow image-processing solution for delivering the highest possible image quality from the new generation of digital SLR cameras and Phase One digital camera backs.
Download trial version: TODAY!
The Capture One RAW Workflow software is available from leading pro photo dealers world-wide as well as the four authorized Capture One sales and support sites: HYPERLINK "" (EU/US/Asia) or HYPERLINK "" (Germany) or HYPERLINK "" (US) or HYPERLINK "" (Asia).
To learn more about Phase One’s products, visit the Phase One site at HYPERLINK ""
Note: Phase One is a registered trademark of Phase One A/S. All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
Capture One 3.7.1 welcomes Epson RD-1 into the family

Posted: Mon - June 27, 2005 at 10:05 AM          
