Press Release: Viewpoint Photo Management for digital camera user

Viewpoint Corp. announced that as of 8:00 pm EST today the company is beginning official distribution of its Viewpoint Toolbar Version 3.0 with Viewpoint Photos. This achievement marks the first time PC users have a browser-based photo management application that's easy to use and provides them with one-click, immediate access to their photos whether they're online or offline. With an estimated 62 million digital camera users currently in the US (comScore Media Metrix, April 2005) and one-quarter of all Internet users - 43 million consumers - visiting Photo-related Web sites, Viewpoint Photos is being introduced at a time when demand for photo management applications is exploding. 

Digital camera penetration
InfoTrends estimates US consumer digital camera penetration will reach 55% with around 25 million shipments in 2005, growing to 81% penetration in 2010. Viewpoint expects the application will capitalize on pent-up consumer demand for simple yet flexible digital image management. Viewpoint Photos is the first photo management product for the PC for which the application was designed to perfectly match its online service, making both components fully integrated and allowing the online and offline functionality to communicate seamlessly.

Simpler way to manage the photos
"Viewpoint Photos was built for the tens of millions of digital camera users who have been pining for a simpler way to manage their photos," said Jay Amato, Viewpoint's chief executive officer. "Our free product is an incredibly easy-to-use application with features specifically designed to give consumers full control of their photos. It offers consumers instant access to all their digital photos whether they're connected to the Internet or not and it doesn't require them to go through the process of uploading all their photos to an online service. Instead, consumers only upload the photos they want to share or print online while keeping all their pictures right where they want them - on their computers. There they can organize them into albums, edit, then share and print their pictures, how and when they want."

Viewpoint Photos - Features
Some of the features of Viewpoint Photos include:
• Convenient Photo Viewing from within Internet Explorer, whether online or offline
• Easy Importing from within PC folders and subfolders
• Fast and Efficient Downloading from digital cameras
• Virtual Albuming for organizing and sharing pictures
• Placing pictures across multiple albums - without increasing hard disk use
• Selective Uploading for sharing and printing online
• Fast Album Updating for synching albums on the computer with albums online
• Flexible Printing Options so users can print at home or through Viewpoint's printing service
• Specialty Printing offering users professional service to print specialty goods
• Flexible Sharing Options to share the photos via email or through the online community
• Advanced Video Help with the first ever real-life Help Assistant within a consumer application.

Viewpoint Toolbar Version 3.0
Viewpoint Photos is a feature of the Viewpoint Toolbar Version 3.0, the latest free offering from the Company's Consumer Products division that, since February 2004, has introduced Viewpoint Toolbar Versions 1.0 and 2.0. To date, the Viewpoint Toolbar has been installed on nearly 16 million PCs.

Viewpoint Toolbar Version 3.0 - Viewpoint Photos
Viewpoint Photos resides within the Viewpoint Toolbar 3.0, which also allows consumers to conduct online searches, and is always visible within the Internet Explorer browser. The always-on nature of the Web browser makes the Toolbar the perfect vehicle for photo management. This benefit ensures users have one-click access to their pictures which instantly appear, along with any albums and notes they've created, when they click on the Toolbar's 'Photos' button. Viewpoint engineers designed this user interface to be intuitive, allowing even inexperienced users to successfully manage, share and print pictures with minimal instruction. Accordingly, importing photos from folders and subfolders, downloading from digital cameras and uploading to online albums have been streamlined to make the operations fast and easy, even for novice digital consumers.

Organize your images in one central place
"We listened for more than a year to what consumers were saying about their digital photo experiences," said Daniela Botterbusch, Viewpoint general manager of consumer products. "And the overriding comments have been that they are looking for an application that is easy-to-use and one that allows them to organize their images in one central place. So we set out to design a product that would take the frustration out of photo management on the PC, much like iPhotos did for Apple users. So, incorporating this feedback and comments from our beta users, we made sure to focus on the features that users seem to care about most - quick picture import, a simple user interface, quick access to photos, virtual album management - that lets users place the same photo in more than one album without taking up additional disk space - and easy upload to online web pages for printing and sharing. Viewpoint Photos achieves all of this and much more."

Viewpoint Photos now available
Viewpoint Photos is available from the Viewpoint website as of 8:00 pm EST on June 29th and will be distributed via the Viewpoint Distribution Network of an estimated 120 million PCs in the US. The Company expects the Photo feature will result in increased revenues from professional printing services over time. Additionally, Viewpoint believes the Photo feature will boost the 'stickiness' of its newly enhanced graphical Toolbar and search offering, as consumers come to rely on the application to manage their photos. Consumers using Viewpoint Photos to share pictures should also create a new viral distribution opportunity that will further enhance usage of the search toolbar.

Online photo sharing and search
"We have an apparent advantage over other toolbar and search products currently available to consumers," said Jay Amato. "Adding this useful service to our toolbar now gives consumers one place to do two of the most popular activities online: photo sharing and search. We are very excited by this expansion of our consumer products business and we have expectations of strong performance as a result."

About Viewpoint
The Viewpoint Platform is the technology behind some of the most innovative, visual experiences on the Web and on the desktop with leading clients such as America Online, General Electric, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Lexus, Microsoft, Samsung, Scion, Sony and Toyota. The Unicast Online Advertising Suite - the Company's next-generation ad deployment and management system - and the Viewpoint Toolbar - the Vision for the Future of Search - are the latest breakthrough technologies using the full power of the Viewpoint Platform.  

Posted: Fri - July 8, 2005 at 09:40 AM          
