US digital camera market in Q2 2005: Kodak - 23.8%, Canon - 21.9%, Sony - 18.6%

Kodak shipped 1.25 mln digital cameras in Q2 2005, 51% more than in Q2 2004 and its market share rose to 23.8% from 18.3% in Q2 2004, according to IDC. Canon was #2 with 1.15 mln shipments in Q2 2005 with 21.9% of the US digital camera market from 15.2% in Q2 2004. Sony was #3 with 980,000 shipments and 18.6% share. Olympus was #4 with 335,000 cameras, and market share of 6.4%, down from 10.9% in Q2 2005. HP was #5 with 6.2%, Fuji was #6 with 5.3% and Nikon was #7 with 4.5%.

Source: ZDNET Research

Posted: Wed - August 17, 2005 at 08:12 AM          
