Press Release: Seybold(R) Chicago to Focus on Publishing Workflow and Asset Management Technologies

Seybold Seminars, produced by MediaLive International, Inc., today unveiled the conference program and tutorial sessions for Seybold(R) Chicago 2005. Co-located with PRINT(R) 05 & CONVERTING(SM) 05, Seybold Chicago will provide graphic communications and publishing professionals with unprecedented exposure to industry knowledge and information that is immediately applicable to real-world situations. The event will be held September 11-14, 2005, at the Hyatt Regency McCormick Center in Chicago.

"Graphic artists, editors, publishers and marketing professionals are becoming content engineers who repurpose information to be distributed through an increasingly wide variety of channels," said Drew Miller, Seybold General Manager. "Along with PRINT '05, the Seybold Chicago conference program will help attendees get their heads around all that is happening in the world of digital content and asset management."
Seybold Chicago complements PRINT '05 -- the most comprehensive exhibition in the world for the commercial, package printing and converting technology -- with a curriculum covering up-front metadata and JDF tools and project workflows, variable data publishing systems, and digital asset management with a focus on catalogs, direct marketing and packaging. The four-day program includes:
Sunday, September 11: Tutorials
-- PDF/X I: Standards for Prepress Data Exchange
-- PDF/X II: Using PDF/X in your Workflow
-- Metadata I: XMP Tutorials
-- Metadata II: Creating Corporate Taxonomy
-- DAM I: Introduction to Digital Asset Management
-- DAM II: Creating the RFP
Monday, September 12 - Wednesday, September 14: Conference Program
-- Setting Standards in Creative Workflow
-- Managing Creative Content -- Direct Response
-- Managing Creative Content -- Packaging
-- Managing Creative Content -- Catalog Content
-- Upstream Workflow for Variable Data Printing
-- Asset Management Strategies: Making the Choice
-- Color Management: JDF in the Creative Process
-- Critics Corner: Managing Assets with DAM, CMS & CRM
-- Packaging: Managing Workflow
-- Color Management: Spotproofing
-- DAM: Case Studies
-- Catalogs: Managing Workflow
-- Focus on Best Results in Direct Marketing
Seybold Chicago will focus on digital publishing workflow professionals who face challenges while creating, managing and distributing digital content for their organizations. Seybold Chicago will provide education and curriculum for attendees such as editorial/content managers, production managers, creative/art directors, asset managers, technical/IT professionals, line of business managers, brand owners, publishers, communications executives and IT strategists.
Seybold Seminars is expanding its publishing industry influence in 2005 by producing a series of focused conference-only events that will be driven by advances in new technology and the evolving industry into workflow and content management. The Seybold event series will push the adoption of these technologies into the mainstream and show real world examples of enterprises that have succeeded and the challenges and returns they've encountered along the way. Conference dates set for 2005 include: Chicago, September 11-14; New York, October 31-November 2; and San Francisco, November 29-December 2. More information on these events is available at
Online registration is now available at
About Seybold Seminars, Publications & Consulting
Part of the MediaLive International, Inc. family of global brands, Seybold Seminars, Publications & Consulting ("Seybold Seminars") provides events, educational forums and publications that keep businesses competitive within the rapidly evolving publishing technology industry. Through targeted conferences and Pavilions, technical publications and reports, and its custom corporate consulting services, Seybold Seminars fosters ongoing debate, collaboration and commerce for companies focused on leveraging media technology for business success. Learn more about the Seybold Seminars community at
About MediaLive International, Inc.
MediaLive International connects companies to the markets they serve through media properties, software tools and marketing solutions that educate buying communities, deepen relationships between buyers and sellers, and fuel market growth. MediaLive International's media brands encompass the IT industry's largest and most well-respected exhibitions, including Interop(R), VoiceCon(R), Next Generation Networks(R), the Web 2.0(R) Conference, Seybold Seminars(R), COMDEX(R), the Collaboration Technologies Conference, Mobile Business Expo, GTEC(SM) and respected publications including Business Communications Review(R) and The Seybold Report(R). The Wingate Studios division delivers the industry's leading end-to-end event management software platform WingateWeb and professional services -- including strategic planning, technical integration, analytics and event programming -- that help companies produce their own live marketing programs.
MediaLive International is a privately held company headquartered in San Francisco, with offices throughout the world. For more information about MediaLive International, visit

Posted: Thu - August 25, 2005 at 08:46 AM          
