SGIA '95 Update. Read this if you were planning on attending the tradeshow in New Orleans.

Update: 9:00 am, August 31, 2005 
We are in the final stages of relocating SGIA '05 to Atlanta, Georgia. The event will be held over the same dates, September 28-October 1 . We will have confirmation of this move and instructions for both exhibitors and attendees later today.
Update: 11:00 am, August 30, 2005
The SGIA staff and I have been avidly following the news of Hurricane Katrina. Our hearts go out to the millions of people in Louisiana, Mississippi and other parts of the southeast whose homes, families and livelihoods are feeling the impact of this major storm.
The key to decisions about SGIA ’05 will be the city’s ability to restore its infrastructure, and we will continue to monitor the situation. We expect to have a better understanding once authorities have accurately assessed the damage and established timelines for repair. The information required to make appropriate decisions should come in about 24–48 hours.
Mike Robertson
President, CEO


Posted: Wed - August 31, 2005 at 12:24 PM          
