Press Release: Nikon announces Photo Contest winners

Nikon has announced the winners of the 30th edition of the Nikon Photo Contest International. Held on a biennial basis, the contest provides an opportunity for photographers from around the world to share their pictures and experiences with other photo enthusiasts. Nikon received more than 31,000 photo entries from 117 different countries and regions – the largest number of nations ever represented in the contest's 36-year history.

The theme for this year's contest, "At the heart of the image" allowed photographers the creative venue to show emotion through images capturing different aspects of human nature. This year's Grand Prize was awarded to Vincent Maure of Norway for his submission entitled "Malnutrition in the Congo (DRC) Girl is Taking Care of Orphan." For his grand-prize winning submission, Mr. Maure was awarded $10,000 in Nikon imaging products and exhibition of his photo on the contest website,
A team of ten internationally acclaimed photographers who were appointed as judges chose winners from two categories: Art and Documentary. For the first time a newly created award prize, "Emerging Talent Award," was presented to young photographers who submitted outstanding photographs that show a fresh perspective and demonstrate a high level of expressive power. With over 65 per cent of the entries submitted via the Internet, Nikon Photo Contest International continues to achieve its mission of providing an international forum in which photographers can communicate their visions through the art of photography.
NPCI 2004-2005 Winners
Grand Prize
Malnutrition in the Congo (DRC) Girl Is Taking Care of Orphan – Vincent Maure (Norway)
First Prize – Art Category
The Fantasy Park – Kousuke Inaba (Japan)
First Prize – Documentary Category
Refugee's Kindergarten – Andrea Oschetti (Hong Kong)
Emerging Talent Awards
Volcanic World on Java – Jean Balke (Germany)
Through the Eyes – Patrick Dilkie (Canada)
Tree's Victory – Ms. Ran Zhao (Singapore)
Myself – Satoko Fujimoto (Japan)

Posted: Mon - September 5, 2005 at 08:36 AM          
