Press Release: Lexmark donates printers and art software

Lexmark International, Inc. today announced the donation of the Lexmark PrintArt program to more than 500 public schools in New Hampshire. The contribution is valued at $70,000. Through the Lexmark philanthropic program, the company donates educational software, supplemental lesson plans and Lexmark printers to support art education. The Hampshire Alliance has partnered with Lexmark to ensure that New Hampshire schools are able to benefit from this program. NHAAE sent every public elementary, middle and high school information about the donation. School districts are only required to complete the donation form online and to provide federal tax identification to become part of the program.

Lexmark PrintArt - Art education
"The PrintArt program gives us a unique way to use our passion for printing to help educators provide a quality education. We are pleased to have this opportunity to support public education in New Hampshire," said Curlander, Lexmark chief executive officer. We are focusing on supporting art education because, according to studies, learning experiences in the arts enhance overall academic performance and achieve-ment, especially for economically disadvantaged students.

Lexmark philanthropic - Donation
Lexmark PrintArt includes the donation of the following items to public elementary, middle and high schools in New Hampshire:
· color inkjet printer featuring photo-quality resolution, a one-year warranty and proper cabling
· multilingual CD-ROM with approximately 100 high-resolution images of art masterpieces.
· a teacher's guide with academic exercises that put the CD-ROM to use in virtually every discipline
· after participating in the Lexmark PrintArt program for one year, schools automatically receive the free materials for all subsequent phases, including art CD-ROMs and teachers' guides.

Lexmark quality art - New Hampshire
"Working to give a quality arts education to every New Hampshire student is what we are all about," says Laura Hutchins, President of the New Hampshire Alliance for Arts Education. "We are very pleased to partner with Lexmark to bring this exciting program into every New Hampshire public school. We applaud Lexmark for caring about arts education as well."

Lexmark Fayette Country - 30.000 schools
In 2000, the Lexmark PrintArt program was piloted in Fayette County, Ky., where Lexmark's worldwide headquarters is located. Teachers in 52 schools in the district used the printers and CDs as complements to their existing curricula. The resounding success of the pilot program convinced Lexmark to expand the program. The Lexmark PrintArt program is currently in more than 30,000 schools across the United States.

Posted: Sun - September 11, 2005 at 04:05 PM          
