Press Release: SGIA Community Steps Up for SGIA Digital Expo

Fairfax, Virginia ˜ In response to requests from digital imagers and suppliers, SGIA will host the SGIA Digital Expo in Phoenix, Arizona, December 8ˆ10, 2005.

"Already, the SGIA Digital Expo is a group effort. The community has really stepped up. Many leading suppliers and imagers have told me they intend to take advantage of this timely opportunity. When this group comes together, the result will be a cutting-edge exposition hall, first-rate education and a phenomenal networking opportunity ˜ all focused on making the best decisions for your digital imaging operation," SGIA President Michael Robertson said.

Robertson said the highly-targeted marketplace and conference will bring together new technology and exciting applications, and provide insight that will lead to solid, profitable buying decisions. He also stressed the value of on-site networking.

"While technology is changing the digital imaging community and markets, the community and markets are changing technology. The SGIA Digital Expo is where you'll see how those facets come together and affect your business.

"In three energetic days, the digital imaging suppliers and users who are changing the business landscape will meet and connect," Robertson said. "When we cancelled SGIA '05, many of those people contacted me to say they couldn't afford to wait till SGIA '06 to experience the type of focused community event only SGIA can provide."

The SGIA Digital Expo will take place at the Phoenix Convention Center, Phoenix, Arizona, December 8ˆ10. Attendees can learn more at

Potential exhibitors: Contact Sylvia Hall, SGIA: 703.359.1322.

SGIA ˜ Supporting the Leaders of the Digital & Screen Printing Community
"Specialty imaging" comprises digital imaging, screen printing and the many other imaging technologies SGIA members use, including those they'll tap in the future. These are the imaging processes and technologies employed to create new products and to enhance existing products including point-of-purchase displays, signs, advertisements, garments, containers, and vehicles. To make the most of your specialty imaging business, take full advantage of the information on, and experience the digital community marketplace at the SGIA Digital Expo (Phoenix, December 8ˆ10).

Posted: Wed - September 14, 2005 at 06:28 PM          
