Press Release: Photo sharing site dotPhoto’s ‘video-catching’ software lets users email their camera phone videos directly to a dotPhoto online account, regardless of wireless carrier

West Trenton, N.J.—September 21, 2005—Add this to your list of cool cell phone tricks: now just about anyone with a video-enabled cell phone can instantly send video from their cell phone to an online account to share with family and friends. It’s the result of a new service offering from dotPhoto, the photo sharing site that somehow always seems to beat the big guys to the punch with the latest and greatest innovations with images and personal memories.

This time, they’re leading the way in cell phone video, which, now that we all have camera phones, looks to be the next big thing in mobile communications. The new service allows video phone users on the country’s biggest wireless carriers to directly email their videos from their handset to an online dotPhoto account. You don’t need a wire. You don’t need to download the video first to a memory card. You don’t even have to email it to your home PC to then upload. Rather, the video goes directly to your online account where you can easily send all those great moments to family and friends. Just imagine: Now it’s easy to save and share video of a child’s first step, a daughter’s first soccer goal, or the kids leaving the house for the first day of school (although, we suspect that most of these cool new video phones are being used by 20-somethings to embarrass each other with video of what they did last night).

The big news behind the dotPhoto offering is its wide applicability. The service works with the “big four” cell phone carriers and is compatible with the most common video formats, or codecs, including 3GP, WMV, QT, AVI, MOV, MP4, 3G2, and MPG.

But enough of the techno speak. What this all means is that cell phone video just became really easy to use, share, and save. Just point, shoot, email, and you’re ready to start sending those short videos to everyone on the planet. While many wireless phone users can already share videos phone-to-phone, many have no means of saving videos long-term. dotPhoto’s video upload service allows cell phone users to save videos online, and share them with friends and family anywhere, even if they are using incompatible cell phone platforms or over the Internet.

The service requires no special software, and costs just $1.99 per month for unlimited storage of videos and photos that last forever—so your camera phone’s memory will never fill up. dotPhoto preserves your images on secure and redundant servers utilizing RAID technology—which means your photos and videos are much safer at than on typical home hard drives with lifetimes of three years or less.

For more information on dotPhoto and all of its online digital photo capabilities, such as sharing, printing, saving, and creating memories, please visit us online at or contact Kathryn O’Connor at 610-642-8253, ext. 54 or

About dotPhoto, Inc.
dotPhoto, Inc. ( is transforming the way people enjoy, share, preserve, and profit from their digital images. As the Internet’s premiere multimedia and photo sharing community, the company’s Web site offers the most comprehensive suite of digital imaging and multimedia tools available anywhere. These include the dotPhoto Show, an easy-to-use photo slide show that users can customize with background music, voice narration, graphics, and special effects; dotPhoto’s Photo Marketplace, where anyone can sell their photos for a profit; photo Yearbooks and Minibooks, and customized photo printing in a variety of sizes, and on T-shirts, mugs, posters, and other merchandise.

Posted: Wed - September 21, 2005 at 04:35 PM          
