HiTi Dazzle S400 photo printer

With the introduction of Dazzle S400, HiTi has added a new chapter to its impressive list of achievements and re-asserted itself as the leader in digital photo printing technology. People will definitely be stunned by DAZZLE S400’s fashionable design and vivid color performance. HiTi Dazzle S400 excels from packs of photo printers performance wise and artistic wise. HiTi S400 sets a standard of what a quality photo printer should provide. The elegant aesthetical design, the lightening-fast OEE digital image processor, the impressive I2O Image Optimization technology, a brilliant color LCD viewing window that can enable the customized wallpaper for users’ sheer viewing pleasure, signatures, etc.

Source: LetsGoDigital


Posted: Wed - September 21, 2005 at 09:10 PM          
