Press Release: Avvenu Remote Access and Photo Sharing Service Now Live; Unique Free Service Gives Users Access to Their Photos and Files from a Mobile Phone, PDA or Computer -- and Lets Them Securely Share This Content with Friends, Family and Associates

Sept. 26, 2005--The highly anticipated Avvenu remote access and photo sharing service is now live at Avvenu is a free service that lets consumers and business users securely access the content on their computer from any web-enabled mobile phone, PDA or computer. In addition to remotely accessing their own content, users can instantly and securely share access to their content with friends, family and associates. And since Avvenu bypasses email file size limits and eliminates the need to upload files to a centralized server, Avvenu is particularly efficient for sharing high resolution images and other large files.

"In our increasingly mobile society, users need the ability to remotely access and manage their content," said Keith Barraclough, Avvenu Founder and CEO. "Avvenu is a powerful, convenient tool that's sure to transform the way people interact with their data. Avvenu subscribers can access important documents when traveling, share pictures while still on vacation or distribute large files to colleagues -- in seconds."
Avvenu is different from other photo sharing services in that images are shared directly from the subscriber's computer. This means Avvenu subscribers maintain complete control of what pictures are shared, who has access to them and for how long. Avvenu subscribers can easily select which files or folders they want to share with others. Once the Avvenu subscriber has selected someone to share content with, an email notification with a link is sent to the guest that allows them to securely access just the selected image, file or folder. Guests do not need to be a member of the Avvenu service in order to view what has been shared with them. They just click on the link and are instantly viewing the shared content off of the subscriber's machine.
"After moving to the United States from Italy, I was having trouble sending my digital photos back home to my friends and family," said Sonia Lunardon, an early adopter of the Avvenu service. "I had to edit each photo to a smaller size, attach it to an email and keep my fingers crossed that they received it. After I installed Avvenu on my home PC I was able to instantly share my pictures -- no matter how large the image."
Avvenu's smart viewing feature scales high-resolution photos to accommodate the device being used, providing quick viewing of images -- even on a mobile phone. Users can conveniently browse high-resolution images from a mobile phone or PDA without excessive data charges or long wait times. Avvenu's mobile access capabilities allow users to upload images, as well as manage sharing and access capabilities remotely from a mobile phone.
"Avvenu's remote access capabilities from mobile phones and PDAs are excellent," said Dr. Gerry Purdy, principal analyst at MobileTrax. "The ability to have access to all of your content wherever you are, plus the ability to share content from your mobile device, makes Avvenu an important player in the photo sharing and remote access arena."
Remote access to files and folders is a powerful feature of Avvenu. In addition to the picture and file sharing, Avvenu's remote access features lets subscribers view or download files, as well as upload files to the PC from remote locations. This capability can be used to access important documents while traveling, to upload new pictures while on vacation or to share an updated document with coworkers.
Avvenu Partners and Funding
While Avvenu offers its service directly to consumers, the company is also working with major corporations to enable them to deliver this capability to their customers. Recently, Motorola announced it will release a service later this year based on Avvenu technology. The service will allow Motorola customers to easily view, save, and share photos between mobile phones and PCs.
Avvenu recently completed its Series B financing, which included original investors Worldview Technology Partners, Charles River Ventures, and Motorola Ventures (NYSE:MOT). Avvenu will use the funds to expand on its partnership programs, as well as to support continued product development.
About Avvenu
Avvenu, Inc., based in Palo Alto, California, was founded by a team of professionals with expertise in the areas of peer-to-peer file sharing, distributed computing systems, and VoIP technology. The company was formed to create a technology that would give users unobstructed access to their most important content. The Avvenu service is based on the company's patent-pending technology in media routing and managed peer-to-peer content access and distribution. Avvenu is a privately held company with venture funding provided by Charles River Ventures, Worldview Technology Partners, and Motorola Ventures. For more information visit

Posted: Mon - September 26, 2005 at 09:20 AM          
