Bad News for Newspapers

In the face of it, a new survey from Nielsen//NetRatings doesn't look that bad for newspapers. According to news coverage, the survey appears to show that about a fifth of newspaper readers have switched to online editions. But according to OutsellNow--Friday Edition, the weekly newsletter of the information industry research firm Outsell, that's a "major understatement" of what's going on. Instead, says Outsell, "the individual newspaper brand is no longer the unit of consumption; by using news aggregation services like Yahoo! News or Google News, or by following favorite news-oriented blogs, or by self-aggregating RSS feeds, news consumers are picking up content from hundreds of separate news publishing organizations." In other words, newspapers are just one small part of what they're reading online.

Source: BusinessWeek


Posted: Sat - June 18, 2005 at 09:18 PM          
