Samsung to roll out thin RAZR competitor

Alright kids, thin is in, and we’re not talking Hollywood here — we mean phones. Samsung knows what’s up, and they plan to return to their thin roots with a direct competitor to the Motorola RAZR to be released in the 4th quarter in markets outside of South Korea — to follow on the heels of the thin V740 released last month in Korea. Samsung’s answer to the Razr is 3 grams heavier, but excels in featureset with a 1.3 megapixel camera, 256MB internal memory, and QVGA (240 x 320) screen. It’ll also do the MP3 thing, capture MPEG4 video, and rock Bluetooth, GPS and PictBridge for an expected retail price of $595.

Source: InfoWorld via Engadget

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Posted: Thu - June 23, 2005 at 10:31 AM          
