Press Release: Epson launches Colour Imaging Contest

Epson, the world leader in digital imaging solutions and printer manufacturing, launched on Thursday its exciting annual photography competition which aims to encourage and promote digital imaging endeavours. The Epson Colour Imaging Contest 2005 is a pan Asian photography contest which offers Indian photographers a chance to compete with the best in Asia and win international acclaim and big prize money. Apart from India, Epson is inviting participants from Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, China, Taiwan, Korea and Australia to take part in the contest.

The total prize money on offer is approximately Rs6.5mn. Some of the winners will also get to travel to Tokyo for the prize distribution like last year.

Epson has introduced some interesting new categories this year in addition to the already existing ones. Two of the most interesting new sub categories include a 'Black and White Print Award', developed to acknowledge the work put in to capture expressions without the use of colour and a 'Camera Phone Snap Award', introduced in response to the latest trend in mobile phone imaging.

The company is also giving participants the choice of three award categories including a 'Colour Imaging Award', a 'Nature and Human Life Photo Award' and a 'Family Snap Award'. Renowned Japanese photographers will judge all entries in Japan. The contest is on from June 1st to August 31st 2005.

According to Tushad Talati, Head - Brand & Communication, Epson India, "The Epson Colour Imaging contest is an annual feature that is gaining in popularity every year. Last year Indian photographers fared really well picking up 8 prizes on offer including the Grand Prize Runner up. Lets hope there are a large amount of entries and winners this year as well."

Posted: Fri - June 3, 2005 at 09:28 AM          
