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Kodak Posts a 2nd-Qtr Loss, Increases Job Cuts
Kodak to Cut Up to 10,000 More Jobs Kodak to cut another 10,000 jobs Kodak Swings to Q2 Loss, Sees Wider Cuts Kodak Misfires Again A Half-Million Mac Converts in 2005 PMA Marketing study about Digital SLR cameras 100Mbps Cable Internet by 2006 Three new cameras from Panasonic - The DMC-FX9, The DMC-LX1 and DMC-FZ30 HP fattened up before latest trim Redecorate the Fridge With a Faster, Better Inkjet Secrets to Good Hard-Drive Hygiene As It Retools, Kodak Plans More Layoffs |
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Total entries for the day: 13