World's Longest WiFi distance

Current world record holders for the longest distance for an unamplified WiFi link (55.1 miles @ 30mW), Team PAD, outdid themselves at the Defcon WiFi Shootout. The new world record in the "unamplified" category has a distance of 125 miles, from Las Vegas, Nevada, all the way to somewhere adjacent to St. George, Utah. Team PAD achieved this historical feat with the help of Z-Com 325hp+ PCMCIA cards that ran on built-in power of 300mW. This achievement could very well end up in the Guiness Book of World Records as well. Linux powered computers were integral in achieving such success, and there is a possibility that Team PAD will be gunning the current Bluetooth record of 1.08 miles.

Publisher’s note: Great, but in the meantime, I’m losing 50% of the wifi from signal between my home office and my living room.
Source: UberGizmo

Posted: Mon - August 1, 2005 at 06:19 AM          
