Press Release: Pictometry Files Patent Infringement Lawsuit Against Aerial Cartographics of America and Ofek Aerial Photography InternationalPictometry International Corp., the
worldwide leader in digital, aerial oblique imagery and measuring software,
announced today that it has filed a lawsuit against Aerial Cartographics of
America Inc., of Orlando, FL and Ofek Aerial Photography International, LTD of
Netanya, Israel.
The lawsuit, filed today in United States District
Court for the Western District of Oklahoma, alleges that ACA and Ofek, through
the Ofek product MultiVision, are infringing upon a patent owned by Pictometry
(United States Patent No. 5,247,356) covering its aerial imaging
The suit seeks injunctive relief to prohibit ACA and
Ofek from infringing Pictometry's patent and unspecified monetary
About Pictometry
Pictometry International is a rapidly growing software
company that provides visual information systems. The company's patented imaging
process captures georeferenced, high-resolution oblique (at an angle - natural
view) and orthogonal (straight down) digital images of counties and states.
Combined with the company's interactive software solution, users can see
everywhere, measure anything, and plan everything. The company has a growing
customer base exceeding 100 counties, the State of Massachusetts, federal
government organizations, as well private business users. Major metropolitan
areas using Pictometry include Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Indianapolis, Los
Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and Washington, DC.
Applications include 9-1-1, appraisers, assessors, emergency management
agencies, engineering, financial institutions, fire departments, GIS, homeland
security, insurance, law enforcement, planning officials, real estate, and
transportation. Pictometry is a second order visualization tool that does not
produce authoritative or definitive information (surveying) from its aerial
images. For more information on Pictometry, visit
Posted: Tue - August 16, 2005 at 04:36 PM |