Press Release: Professional Photographers of America establishes $200,000 hurricane disaster relief fund

Professional Photographers of America (PPA) has taken steps to assist photographers in areas affected by Hurricane Katrina. On Wednesday, the PPA Board of Directors guaranteed up to $200,000 for the recently established PPA Disaster Relief Fund, as the Association continues its fundraising efforts.

"With more than 250 PPA members in the stricken areas of Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana, PPA knows firsthand of the destruction caused by this hurricane," said Ann Monteith, PPA president. "We all watched in shock and sadness as the scope of the damage unfolded, and we felt compelled to find a way to directly help PPA members affected by this disaster as soon as possible. We will continue fundraising in hopes that we can surpass the $200,000 mark."

  PPA's relief fund was established last week through PPA Charities, a 501(c)(3) organization. The original intent was to disburse the money collected to disaster relief agencies. PPA's Board of Directors, in response to requests from PPA members, voted this week to shift the focus of the relief fund so that it will now be used to provide direct aid to PPA member photographers. The fund will distribute $1,000 to each PPA member studio directly affected by Hurricane Katrina.

  "PPA's members have a long history of pulling together to help each other in times of crisis," said PPA CEO, David Trust. "PPA's Disaster Relief Fund is another example of our members' commitment to one another and their spirit of generosity and compassion."

  In addition to directly assisting its members, PPA is contributing $10,000 ($5,000 each) to its two state Affiliates in the hard-hit areas, Professional Photographers of Louisiana and Professional Photographers of Mississippi-Alabama. These Affiliates will use the contributions to directly assist their members.

  To request a studio grant, PPA members in the disaster areas should call PPA at (800) 786-6277 and ask to speak with a Disaster Relief assistant. They will be asked to provide information and details including name, studio name and address, temporary location information, brief description of damage/loss, where the grant money can be sent or wired, and how they can currently be reached.

  Contributions can be made by sending a check payable to PPA Charities to Disaster Relief, c/o Professional Photographers of America, 229 Peachtree Street, Suite 2200, Atlanta, GA, 30303. Please note "Disaster Relief" on the check.

  Those who know of anyone who has been directly affected by the hurricane should get information to them about the relief fund so they can receive assistance right away. Photographers with useful information may share it on the Hurricane Katrina Forum on

Posted: Fri - September 9, 2005 at 10:28 AM          
