Olympus E-500 DSLR

Looks like Olympus is one-upping its E-300 digital SLR by putting out the E-500. The two units have got similar specs, both with 8.1 megapixels but with some changes in the unit design showing in the E-500. It’s got a 2.5-inch LCD, storage via xD and CF, transfer via USB 2.0, and can be powered by six AA batteries — an improvement over the previous proprietary battery situation. No word on price yet, but the E-500 is supposedly rolling out towards the end of this month — though the original announcement on the Olympus dutch website has since disappeared, so you may want to take that release info with a grain of salt.

Source: Engadget

Website (Japanese)

Posted: Mon - September 12, 2005 at 09:06 PM          
