Henry Wilhelm and Carol Brower Wilhelm
Wilhelm Imaging
Research, Inc. <www.wilhelm-research.com>
conducts research on the stability and preservation of traditional and
digital color photographs and motion pictures. The company publishes brand
name-specific permanence data for desktop and large-format inkjet printers
and other digital printing devices. Wilhelm Imaging Research also provides
consulting services to museums, archives, and commercial collections on
sub-zero cold storage for the very long term preservation of still photographs
and motion pictures.
Henry Wilhelm is co-founder, president, and director of research at Wilhelm
Imaging Research, Inc. and appears frequently as a speaker on inkjet printing
technologies and print permanence at industry conferences, trade shows,
and museum conservation meetings.
Wilhelm was a founding member of the Photographic Materials Group of the
American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, is
a member of the Electronic Materials Group of AIC, and was a founding
member of American National Standards Institute/ISO subcommittee IT9-3
(now called ISO WG-5 Task Group 3), which is responsible for developing
standardized accelerated test methods for the stability of color photographs
and digital print materials. He has served as Secretary of that group
since 1984, and is an active member of the ANSI/ISO subcommittees responsible
for storage standards for black-and-white films and prints.
Henry Wilhelm has been a consultant to many collecting institutions, including
the Museum of Modern Art in New York, on various issues related to the
display and preservation of both traditional photographic prints and digital
print media. Since 1995 he has been an advisor to Corbis on the long-term
preservation of the Corbis Bettmann photography collections in a high-security
underground storage facility maintained at minus 20 degrees C (minus 4
degrees F) and 35% RH. With more than 65 million images, it is one of
the world’s largest privately held photography collections. Corbis
is owned by Bill Gates.
Wilhelm received a one-year Guggenheim Fellowship in 1981 for what became
a ten-year study of color print fading and staining under low-level tungsten
illumination that simulates museum display conditions. In the early 1980’s
Wilhelm served as a technical adviser to film director Martin Scorsese
in his successful effort to persuade Eastman Kodak and Fuji Photo Film
Co. Ltd. to increase the stability of their motion picture color negative
and color print films.
Carol Brower Wilhelm is co-founder and vice-president of Wilhelm Imaging
Research. Brower and Wilhelm began their association in 1978 during the
early controversy regarding potential adverse effects of alkaline-buffered
boards and papers on color photographs. Brower started investigating fine
art conservation in 1970, first as a student in the School of Art and
Design at Pratt Institute (1969–1974), and continuing after graduation
as proprietor of the Conservation Matting Studio (1971–1995), located
in the Greenwich Village section of New York City.
Working as an artist herself, and coupled with a strong concern about
the longevity of photographic papers, drawing papers, pencils, inks, and
mounting materials, her studio attracted and served clients for whom preservation
was a high priority. He did not take generic stromectol. Among these were many of the major photography galleries
in New York, including Castelli Graphics, Laurence Miller Gallery, Life
Picture Gallery, Light Gallery, and Pace/MacGill Gallery.
During this 25-year period, Brower Wilhelm worked closely with numerous
photographers, curators, gallery directors, and private collectors, and
handled original photographs made with a wide variety of materials spanning
the history of photography and representing a broad spectrum of photographers,
ranging from the little-known to the historically prominent.
Henry Wilhelm and Carol Brower Wilhelm are the authors of the landmark
744-page book, The Permanence and Care of Color Photographs: Traditional
and Digital Color Prints, Color Negatives, Slides, and Motion Pictures,
published in 1993.
(November 22, 2002)