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New Corbis Film
Preservation Facility

Articles, press releases and other information on Bill Gates' new Corbis high-security, underground, sub-zero long-term photograhy preservation facility

Sub-Zero Preservation Storage








Sub-Zero Cold Storage for the Permanent Preservation of Photographs,
Motion Picture Films, Books, Newspapers, Manuscripts, and Historical Artifacts

Carol and Henry.jpg

Carol Brower Wilhelm (left) and Henry Wilhelm holding two examples from the Wilhelm long-term sub-zero newspaper preservation collection in the cold storage vault at Wilhelm Imaging Research Inc., in Grinnell, Iowa. The vault is part of a three-year research project in preservation for the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. The doors of the cabinets that line the walls are fitted with sealing gaskets that protect the negatives, film, and prints stored within the freezer units. Photo by Barbara C. Stahl - May 26, 2011


"Long-Term Preservation of Photographic Originals and Digital Imaging Files in the Corbis/Sygma Collection in France"

Authors: Henry Willhelm (WIR), Cédric Gressent (Corbis/Sygma), and Drew MacLean (Corbis USA)
Date: Posted May 10, 2009


Number of pages: 9
File Size: 867k

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"High-Security, Sub-Zero Cold Storage For the PERMANENT Preservation of the Corbis-Bettman Archive Photography Collection"

Authors: Henry Wilhelm with Ann C. Hartman, Kenneth Johnston, Els Rijper, and Thomas Benjamin
Date: Posted May 17, 2004

Number of pages: 6
File Size: 1.3 Mb
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"The Design and Operation of a Passive Humidty-Controlled Cold Storage Vault Using Conventional Freezer Technology and Moisture-Sealed Cabinets"

Authors: Mark McCormick-Goodhart and Henry Wilhelm
Date: Posted May 17, 2004

Number of pages: 7
File Size: 2.4 Mb
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Companion Poster PDF
From IS&T Archiving Conference
Poster Size: 44x96 Inches

Date: Posted May 17, 2004

Number of pages: 1
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High-Res Version 8.7 Mb
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Guidebook from Canadian Council of Archives on "Cold Storage of Photographs at the City of Vancouver Archives"

Author: Sue Bigelow, Conservator

Date: Posted May 17, 2004

Number of pages: 36
File Size: 1.1 Mb
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"On the Cold Storage of Photographic Materials in a Conventional Freezer Using the Critical Moisture Indicator (CMI) Packaging Method"

Author: Mark McCormick-Goodhart
Date: Posted July 31, 2003
Number of pages: 28
File Size: 2.8 Mb
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"Images on Ice — Cold Storage Freezes Time for Photographic Film and Prints"

Authors: E. Sapwater with Contributing Writers Kirstin Mortensen and Helen Johnston.
Date: April 1999 from PEI magazine

Number of pages: 8
File Size: 182k
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"The Cold Storage of Photographic Collections Using Conventional Freezer Storage," given at the 14th Annual National Archives and
Records Administration Preservation Conference: Alternative Archival Facilities, held at the National Archives in Washington, D.C on March 25, 1999.

Author: Mark McCormick-Goodhart
Date: March 25, 1999

Number of pages: 18
File Size: 700k
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"The Allowable Temperature and Relative Humidity Range for the Safe Use and Storage of Photographic Materials"
Journal of the Society of Archivists,
Vol. 17, No. 1, 1996

Author: Mark McCormick-Goodhart
Date: Posted July 31, 2003

Number of pages: 15
File Size: 772k
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Copyright ©2005 Wilhelm Imaging Research, Inc.