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UK's Photo-Me bids for Germany's Agfa Photo
Impact of digital photography craze on culture not yet known, one expert thinks it could mean ?dark age?
MediVision Sells 400,000 Shares of Ophthalmic Imaging Systems' Common Stock
Printer does all but fax
New ways to share your digital photos
Minox Presents the DMP-1
Press Release: Avvenu Remote Access and Photo Sharing Service Now Live; Unique Free Service Gives Users Access to Their Photos and Files from a Mobile Phone, PDA or Computer -- and Lets Them Securely Share This Content with Friends, Family and Associates
Xerox runs off a new blueprint
Press Release: Manfrotto Sponsors National Geographic‚s All Roads Photography Program
Perpetual stumbling block: Battery life, storage capacity
New company takes over Kodak third-party minilab consumables business in Australia
Press Release: Olympus E500 SLR
Press Release: Durst Exhibit at SGIA Digital Expo
Features Rho 600 with White, Varnish Plus New UV Inkjet printing Platform

ZUIKO DIGITAL and Top Pro lenses
Press Release: Olympus extends E-System lens range to coincide with E-500 launch

Wearable inkjet printer for street art
Press Release: SGIA Books Digital Expo Attendees
Registration is live at; Free copy of "2006 Guide to Digital Imaging" gift with pre-registration

Press Release: TAK Imaging to Present at Digital Imaging '05 Conference; Leading InfoTrends/CAP Ventures Event Slated for Sept. 28-29 in Burlingame, Calif.
Smile, You're on Photobucket
PRESS RELEASE: OmegaSatter Announces New Digital Filter Kit for COKIN
Press Release: ColorSpan Announces DisplayMaker 72UVX Flatbed / Roll-fed Multi-Purpose UV Inkjet Printer
Sony Is Put on Review by Moody's For a Possible Ratings Downgrade
Microsoft and Intel to Support HD-DVD
